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3 must have for a great Employer Branding strategy

Stay ahead of all things HR so you can elevate your business, team, and people Check out Factorial
3 min read

As we have already mentioned on the blog, the Employer Branding is the image of the company perceived by both workers and future candidates, so logically, if you want to attract talent and retain it, it is very important for a company and its human resources department to take care of their employer branding. Not only that, but you’re also going to need to make sure your business strategy and company plan is up to date.

Today we bring the 3 essentials you need to take care of when creating your employer branding strategy.

1. Get to know your company:

It may be something basic, but that is precisely why it is necessary to mention it. How will you enhance the positive qualities of your company and the advantages of working on it if you do not know them? Take a look at the story of the company, its values, objectives and mission, who works in it, its investors and what professional profiles are interested in recruiting.

With this information, you can highlight the company culture and start creating an effective communication plan for your employer brand aimed at those profiles that you really want to recruit. In this communication plan, you should not forget about the job offers. Knowing perfectly the company and its culture will allow you to create an attractive job offer for your target audience and when you start the recruitment process it will be much easier for the human resources department to choose those profiles that fit better within the company.

It is important to point out that all this information must be known not only by the human resources department but also all the workers of the company, as we will comment below, they are their best ambassadors.

2. Take care of your employees:

When you do your research on the company also ask for the opinion of the employees. You can use a small poll with few questions such as how they feel working in the company, what would they change and if they feel appreciated as team players. With these answers, you will be able to discover what has been done well and what you must change to improve the perception of the employees about the company. Perhaps they would appreciate being able to enjoy medical insurance, meal vouchers, or childcare vouchers… A happy employee, committed with the company is not only an employee who does not think about leaving, is also the perfect ambassador of your company A positive work experience and an attractive company culture led by the same employees is the basis of a strong employer branding strategy and the best way to attract talent to your company.

3. Coddle your digital profiles:

Digital transformation is a must for any business and when it comes to implementing an employer branding strategy. When it comes to posting job offers, a company that is using correctly social media will have a plus. New generations and digital natives do everything online, so using that medium for recruitment will be very useful when attracting young talent.

Online presence is also the key to create positive first impressions on potential candidates. The social media profiles of the company must be updated, not only in terms of information but also visually. The creation of social profiles will help the online presence of the brand, but to be really effective in your employer branding strategy must be active, updated and reflect that company culture that you have outlined in your study of the company during the previous point. Your messages should be aligned and consistent across platforms for a greater impact on the potential candidate. Social profiles are also very useful when sharing the positive opinions of the employees. We already said that they are the best ambassadors that the company can have, so giving them a voice is a perfect way for others to discover the values of your company in an honest way.

If you are looking for a way to retain talent and attract new quality candidates, improving your employer branding strategy by following these three basic tips will surely work for you. In addition, one of the easiest and most effective ways to care for your employees and improve your brand as an employer is by offering flexible compensation benefits such as those offered by Factorial. Contact us and we will advise you.

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1 Comment

  • I have learnt several stuff from here on employer branding. Seems it will be very helpful for many organizations. Thanks for writing and sharing this!

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