Do more and faster by integrating your tools with Factorial
Save time by connecting all your apps to Factorial with just a few clicks
The integrations we most recommend to optimize your processes and boost your business

a3innuva NóminaSynchronize Factorial with a3innuva Nómina.

DATEV LODAS - Payroll connectorSynchronize data from Factorial to DATEV LODAS.

Sage 200 & Sage DespachosSmart solutions for improving workflows and financial control.

CobeeAutomate and simplify employee benefit plans with Cobee.

GmailConfigure custom emails and send them automatically through Zapier

PayflowOptimize employee data and payroll management with automatic synchronization.
Easily create custom automations of the most commonly used tools
Much more with less work
Integrate Factorial with other platforms to take the most of it
Sync easily with other apps
Connect your apps to Factorial to easily synchronize and update all your existing data.
Avoid manual, repetitive workflows
We value your time: simplify and streamline your work processes.
Get the most of Factorial
Increase the scope and boost Factorial’s functionalities.
Free installation
Apps made to connect with your other tools for free

FiguresRun compensation analysis on market benchmarks and more

PayflowOptimize employee data and payroll management with automatic synchronization.

Microsoft Power BISynchronize company data with Power BI for interactive and live insights.

Sage 200 & Sage DespachosSmart solutions for improving workflows and financial control.

IndeedOptimize recruitment by syncing job postings and candidate applications.

ZapierAutomate app data transfer, improving efficiency and reducing errors.
Can’t find the app you are looking for in our marketplace?
We've got you covered! Connect to hundreds of tools with Zapier in a simple and seamless way.
Hundreds of available tools in one place
Create integrations that are easy to build and customize
Create custom email sequences for you and your employees

Build your custom integrations with Factorial’s API
If you prefer to build something of your own, feel free to use our public API to create custom integrations.
All the documentation you need to do whatever you want.
Easily manage your employees to create seamless integrations.