Workflow Automations

Create customized and automatic workflows, improving the efficiency of the HR department.

Software Workflow Automations
Trusted by more than 11,000 companies
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workflow automations work for you

Let workflows work for you

Workflows for HR management automation let you automate manual processes easily in Factorial.

Notify managers of team member leave requests.
Trigger an action to share documents with employees based on location, team, or position.
Create custom onboardings, and perform several actions using the data of a specific employee.
workflows simple set up

Super simple workflow process and set up

Creating a workflow in Factorial is as easy as filling out a form. The step by step set up makes it easy to create task Automations without any previous knowledge.

  • Use triggers to initiate actions, such as “New document uploaded“ or “New employee created“.
  • Apply filters so your actions only trigger in response to what you want.
  • Add actions for each case. For example: send emails to a specific employee, a team, or the whole company.
Use triggers to initiate actions, such as “New document uploaded“ or “New employee created“.
Apply filters so your actions only trigger in response to what you want.
Add actions for each case. For example: send emails to a specific employee, a team, or the whole company.
data factorial

If it’s in Factorial, it can be made automatic

Workflow Automations uses the data and events already existing in Factorial, meaning there’s no need to search through documents.

Create an HR automation system using all the data you have in Factorial.
Use your existing data in Factorial (ie. locations, teams, and groups) to filter actions.
Design your own automation process. Create workflows depending on specific criteria, and customize workflows to your needs.
repetitive tasks

Automate Repetitive HR Admin Tasks

Trigger automatic actions effortlessly with the click of a button. Eliminate the need to manage tasks that require no human intervention.

Avoid bottlenecks by using workflow task automations.
Let custom HR workflows and Automations take care of company wide communications.
With workflows, you can communicate requests (ie. holidays, leaves, etc.) without HR needing to meddle in between.
Improve the candidate experience with automated emails

Improve the candidate experience with automated emails

Trigger workflows for disqualified candidates and those moving forward with the recruitment process.

Everything you need to manage human resources

Fill the form and boost your HR management with Factorial.

Discover the most powerful and easy to use tool of the market
Tailored pricing for your needs and goals.
More than 80.000 companies already using Factorial.