Flexibility in the workplace means quickly adapting to changing circumstances and expectations. The concept of workplace flexibility isn’t exactly new—but it’s much more prominent than [...]
In a time of immense transformation, it’s essential to lead efficiently, positively, and strategically. The future of leadership development depends on the development of vital [...]
Are you wondering how to measure the engagement rate of your employees or how to improve your workers’ performance? With people analytics, you can manage [...]
Whether you’re overhauling your business plan or simply looking to optimize the day-to-day, gaining insight into your organization’s operations can make a world of difference. [...]
With the advancements of technology and the passing of time, HR trends have significantly developed and evolved. HR now looks nothing like when it was [...]
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) administers and enforces more than 180 federal employment laws. These apply to 10 million workplaces in America and affect [...]
Navigating the different leave of absence types and types of PTO may seem like a confusing, overwhelming, and daunting task. And to make things even [...]
Most trading operations have become digital. SMEs often choose online platforms to help facilitate many business operations, from payments to human resources, taxes and accounting. [...]
Estefanía Meima describes Séntisis as a Spanish language semantic analysis technology company. They have two tools; one for social media monitoring and one for automatic [...]
The socio-economic context we have been experiencing since the COVID-19 crisis broke out is affecting the day-to-day lives of many companies. Those who have been [...]