Factorial starts at $4.50 per month, per user

We have plans for all businesses and budgets. Just tell us what you need, and we'll tailor one to you. It's that easy.

All you need to get started

From day one, you will enjoy this toolkit that turns complex and repetitive processes into simple, fast, and, above all, effective ones.

Factorial Core
Factorial Core
All plans include Factorial Core, which provides the essential day-to-day tools for your team and ensures your company runs smoothly.
  • Employee directory
  • Onboarding/Offboarding
  • Payslip distribution
  • Send documents in bulk
  • Guided Payroll Process
  • Legal E-signature
  • Payroll Processing with Cimplx
  • Custom notifications
  • Fillable PDFs

Everything your team needs, right here

From finances to talent and time management. Browse our tools, choose your favourites, and we'll create a tailored plan for your company. No more, no less.

Time Off
Time Off
Manage time off in one platform to stay updated on your team’s needs and gain insights for better decision-making.
  • Unlimited time-off policies
  • Custom absence types
  • Time Off Export
Time Tracking
Time Tracking
Track your team's working hours to understand their productivity and comply with time tracking laws.
  • Geolocation
  • QR tracking system
  • Overtime Compensation
Find opportunities to grow your team's talent and boost their potential with the latest performance management tools.
  • 360 Performance Reviews
  • Templates for Performance Reviews
  • Competencies Tracking
Shift Management
Shift Management
Manage your shifts effortlessly with easy-to-use scheduling tools to optimize your shift planning and communication.
  • Shifts in bulk
  • Rotating Shifts
  • Coverage view
Deliver powerful recruitment experiences and equip your hiring managers with intuitive tools to attract your next top talent.
  • Unlimited Hiring Managers / Collaborators
  • Summarise and highlight applicants with AI
  • Candidate data retention
Make your people feel supported and inspired with a whole set of tools for community building and engagement.
  • eNPS Insights
  • Custom Rating Scales
  • Template surveys questions
Project Management
Project Management
Transform your project management to enhance efficiency and make strategic decisions agilely and effectively.
  • Associate hours to projects and track project time
  • Record and monitor expenses within projects
  • Gain insights through the Projects Overview section
Centralise your expense management in one software and track your company expenses to save time.
  • Smart document reading (OCR)
  • Approval flows with multiple steps
  • Real-time expense tracking
Improve workforce skills, and foster a culture of continuous learning.
  • Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Dashboard
  • Attendance Tracking & Recording
  • Training request with approval flow
IT Management
IT Management
Easily manage your company software, and SaaS cost control.
  • Contract Renewal Notifications
  • Terminated User Software Control
  • Streamlined Payment Approval Workflows
Seize control of your company’s spending and empower every employee with guided approval processes.
  • Centralize all your purchase requests
  • Build dedicated approval workflows
  • Vendor creation and management

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the most frequently asked questions from our users.

What if my company grows and I need to invite more employees?

Do prices include tax?

What are my payment options?

Will my data be safe?

How can I upgrade my account?

Can I cancel my subscription any time?

I have more questions.

Plans to grow your team. And your profit.

We believe there’s no better plan than a tailored one. That's why a specialist dedicated to your case will design a plan based on your needs.