Benefits for the employees of the company

The benefits allow to increase the purchasing power and the quality of life of the employees with an interesting tax saving the worker and for the company


Eat or travel up to 2 months for free with the flexible compensation

Thanks to the flexible compensation the employees can save money when hiring products such as health insurance, food, transport or childcare vouchers

Flexible compensation will lead to hundreds of euros in savings each month.



Medical, home or life insurance are the most valued benefits for employees. They contribute to the well-being of the worker and his loved ones and complement the remuneration that the company offers. This benefit has an interesting tax saving for employee and company.


Meal Voucher

Diets are one of the most common expenses for employees. Offering meal vouchers as a part of the employee's salary can help them saving money while eating at the office.This benefit also provides interesting tax savings for the employee and the company.


Gym and Wellness

Sport is basic for a good functioning of body and mind. Exercising weekly reduces stress, improves the working environment and drastically reduces work-related casualties. Promoting healthy lifestyles in the company is the next step to take care of the human team.



Few companies know that variable compensation allows them to increase the purchasing power of their employees without having an extra cost in the company. It is also the best way to boost productivity and absenteeism. The employees pay products or services with their salary such as medical insurance, restaurant tickets, or transportation ...

These expenses are exempt from taxes, so the employee pays less tax and his salary increases. In this way, employees cover daily expenses or access to higher quality services and increase the amount of money they receive at the end of the month without any cost to the company.


childcare Voucher

For employees with children the childcare ticket is the most valued benefit. They increase the worker's purchasing power and help reconcile work and family life. Improve your image as an employer by offering this benefit to your company's employees.


Travel passes

Commuting to the office is one of the most important expenses for the employee. Providing travel cards helps the employee to take on travel costs with interesting tax advantages that allow you to save money each month.


Optimize the employee’s salary

With Flexible compensation ("Salary in Kind") it is possible to offer to the employee a part of their salary through products or services. Thanks to flexible compensation the employee receives the same money at the end of the month but pays much less tax. The law allows you to receive up to 30% of an employee's salary through benefits.

By offering flexible employee compensation plans, the company can: Increase the employee's net salary without a cost to the company.

If the employee salary stays the same but deducts less taxes from his payslip, he ends up charging more money at the end of the month.

Assist the employee with regular expenses such as health insurance, gym, transportation, daycare ...

Offer more attractive and competitive compensation plans to attract and retain talent.